Elementary Reading Celebration: Bigger Books Mean Amping Up Reading Power

ISG Dammam
Mar 25 2024


Elementary Reading Celebration: Bigger Books Mean Amping Up Reading Power

Our elementary school readers have been practicing a variety of reading strategies to help them increase and enhance their reading power. On March 24, they had the chance to teach others with their reading celebration.

Our readers listened to their younger counterparts read and then provided instructive coaching on how their reading fluency could improve. Our younger students were delighted to learn from their older friends specific strategies they can use to improve their reading skills.

Older students also provided support and praise, modeling what they receive in the classroom. Teachers at ISG Dammam understand the need to provide feedback, coupled with support and praise for student effort and achievement.  Our older elementary school students didn’t simply demonstrate their understanding of how to implement reading strategies, but demonstrated a deeper level of learning by helping to teach these critical thinking skills to their young friends.