Earth Day Activities at ISG Dammam

ISG Dammam
Apr 22 2024


Earth Day Activities at ISG Dammam

ISG Dammam was alive with excitement on April 22 in celebration of Earth Day.

Students from high school through elementary school engaged in activities to help develop awareness and knowledge about issues related to our beautiful earth. Students also reaffirmed and demonstrated their commitment to making our earth healthy not just for today, but for future generations.

Elementary students created murals to demonstrate their love for our planet, used recyclable materials to create beautiful designs and wrote letters to the earth, committing to contributing to the solution for global warming.

The middle school debate team provided well-researched and reasoned arguments to their peers about the benefits of moving away from fossil fuels and how young people can engage in sustainable environmental practices.

High school students participated in a fun and informative quiz about how they could apply Earth Day principles and taught their peers about man-made erosion and how it impacts our natural landscape. High school students also created art with recyclable materials, demonstrating their creative commitment to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

ISG Dammam is proud of our students and their commitment to compassionate action to our beautiful planet Earth.